Hilara's Fictions


aniheart.gif (4940 octets) Rent a Herk stories

aniheart.gif (4940 octets)Fantasy Sorbomart

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) HerKdom's Harrowing Halloween Ball

aniheart.gif (4940 octets)SHerk and the box

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) Eternal Souls

aniheart.gif (4940 octets)  The race 

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) Adventures in Archeology sequel to Eternal Souls (wip)busy.gif (1187 octets)

aniheart.gif (4940 octets)14 ways to love your Alpha

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) The innocent, the rogue and the intimidator (complete) happy.gif (1746 octets)

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) A tender Halloween (complete)content.gif (1746 octets)

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) Andromeda opening (wip)busy.gif (1187 octets)

aniheart.gif (4940 octets) Our own special Christmas (wip)busy.gif (1187 octets)



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Last update: 2002-03